Emotional Support - for a patient with a shock of a blood cancer diagnosis
$ 36.00
$36 can allow a person diagnosed with blood cancer to receive critical emotional support to support them through the initial shock of diagnosis. Blood cancer can develop in any one at any age and at any time. Often with few clearly identified risk factors and sometimes no real warning, the impact is immense for the person diagnosed and their loved ones. Treatment for blood cancer can range from months to several years and often lasts longer than treatment for other cancers. Treatment can be life threatening and life-changing. Support provided through our Blood Cancer Support Coordinators located in every state and territory are there to support a patient and family at such a difficult time.  Your valuable gift will allow us to support people and their families living with blood cancer when they it the most.

Payment method
(must be case sensitive)

AUD $36.00

Or Donate Amount of Your Choice