Sponsor a woman - Remia Cebuano
$ 50.00
Purchasing a gift helps a woman like Remia start or grow a small business to lift herself and her family out of poverty. Good Return distributes money as interest free loans through our microfinance partners.

Remia Cebuano’s commitment and energy are the key to her success in business. Although a simple housewife and mother of a daughter, she makes $20 for every sack of peanuts she can retail in her own village and to traders in Iloilo.. Remia is keen achieve a better life for her family.and therefore seeks a loan to finance more working stock for her peanut trading enterprise. She knows that by carrying more inventory, she can boost turnover and take more advantage of price differences that she sees in her local markets.

Remia wants to save for the education of her child as she grows. She believes that with the help of her loan, she might fulfill her dream of becoming successful business woman.

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