Skills Development: Village Trainers Program
$ 20.00
Lack of education and a life of poverty form a vicious circle. So millions of rural poor, without the education or ability to support themselves, cannot afford to send their children to school.  To break this cycle, people need access to basic training that provides them with the practical skills to earn a living, manage money, and build financial or household assets.Good Return’s training curriculum builds on knowledge transfer to develop capability. Simply put, learning about savings will not help anyone until they actually start to put aside money, be it in a tin box or a newly set up account. Attending a course is just the beginning. The real change happens when participants apply their learning, adopt new attitudes and change their behaviours for the long term.We work with our microfinance institution (MFI) partners to assess training needs in their communities, design learning materials, train their trainers, and provide ongoing monitoring, coaching, and support.

Payment method
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AUD $20.00

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