Go Girls Work Ready Program- Tania's Story
$ 10.00

Change the life of a woman at risk by sponsoring the Go Girls Programs. The Go
Girls Empowerment Program assists women who are at risk and have experienced
homelessness, domestic violence, and social isolation. At the end of the
program, women will have developed a 5-year and 10-year life plan helping them
to take control of their future. This changes the lives of the women, their
children, and their families. At the completion of the Empowerment Program, the women will participate in the Go Girls Mentor Program, in which they will acquire a mentor to help them continue to achieve their goals and dreams. Furthermore,
those women experiencing unemployment will continue towards the Go Girls Work
Ready Program where they will be paced through vigorous work-ready workshops to secure sustainable employment that suits their abilities and

Tania's story: Pictured

"I was unemployed and stuck.  Go Girls gave me the strength and support to ask questions of myself and answer them honestly.  I realised that I had more worth and value than I felt I had.  Go Girls helped me to build the courage and the strength to move forward.  I am my own woman."


Payment method
(must be case sensitive)

AUD $10.00

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