Open Place is for all Victorian Forgotten Australians
$ 10.00
Open Place is a support and advocacy service that co-ordinates and provides direct assistance to address the needs of people who grew up in Victorian orphanages and homes during the last century. We aim to help people who identify as Forgotten Australians to deal with the legacy of their childhood experiences and provide support to improve their health and well-being. 

It is a service that aims to be accessible, welcoming and open to new ideas. Open Place is for all Victorian Forgotten Australians, irrespective of where they reside now. The majority of support services are for Forgotten Australians themselves, with some support provided to members of their immediate family. We provide personal support, support in accessing specialist services, financial assistance and individual advocacy.

Our team works together with service users to identify the needs of Forgotten Australians and to deliver high quality, caring services for them and their families. We believe in reaching out and in being accountable to Forgotten Australians for the way that we deliver our services. 

Our multidisciplinary team of creative, flexible, and professional practitioners are committed to the principles of Open Place.

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