Support parents who experience the loss of their baby
$ 25.00
Every day in Australia …
6 babies are stillborn,
3 babies die before their 1st Birthday,
A miscarriage occurs every 3.5 minutes.
The statistics show approximately 1 in 4 pregnancies will end in loss. Baby loss is not discriminatory and can happen to any parent who wishes to expand their family unit. Thousands of bereaved mothers and fathers may need support every year during the most devastating time of their lives.

Your $25 will fund support services for families who experience the loss of their baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal or infant loss.

These services include but not limited to phone and email counselling, support groups and grief workshops, psychologist facilitated support groups, community events (e.g. Remembrance ceremonies), hospital in-services, grief and healing support library, bears and support packages.

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