Give the gift of education to disadvantaged kids
$ 250.00
Ardoch Youth Foundation is a children’s charity that provides education support for disadvantaged children and young people. We deliver tailored education and wellbeing programs that address barriers to education by providing vital learning and wellbeing resources and activities.
Your gift to Ardoch will help us to:
  • Recruit and train community volunteers to work in classrooms and early learning centres supporting kids to improve their literacy and numeracy skills.
  • Recruit and train Literacy Buddies™ – a pen pal program between students and corporate volunteers that provides positive role modelling and develops literacy skills.
  • Provide a nutritious breakfast for students who come to school hungry; who are socially or emotionally isolated or whose parents work long hours.
  • Provide structured activities during lunchtimes to prevent bullying and facilitate participation, positive role modelling and social interaction.
  • Provide careers and pathways advice from corporate volunteers to primary and secondary school students, usually in grade 6 and year 10.

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